Almost four decades ago this subjected board commenced and processed its very first examination. From that time to present context this platform is extremely progressing day by day. Now in 2025 BISE AJK Mirpur Board is going to make public almost forty fourth matric 10th class or SSC part 2 result. Followed by traditions first they encourage their position holders. This board is bringing efforts to extend the competition and this horizon is getting gradually and slowly increased as well. This educational providing platform is working in a great way. It is going at the progressive rate. Its candidates and students appearing in matriculation exams, they are studying in an excellent way and giving much firm competition and tough fight to other students belonging to other boards of Pakistan country.
Coming back to the result then may be because of some technical issue so face some hurdle. In this case never need to panic. Just wait for moment, and get your mark sheet. Although officials has done a lot of work to improve their system, but still during peak hours they fail to bear the burden of entire students strength.
- Result Date: Soon it will confirm, that is of last week of 2017 July and Probably its 25 of this month.
Many years have been passed now and growth, progress level of this exam board is getting more improved. They give their full attention to extracurricular activities as well. But still they need to do a lot of work. Especially they need to build a efficient system through which one can get marks sheet easily. Even if they improve their existing system, surely this will provide best assistance to students.
Before getting independent form, this platform worked under command of another board. But with increasing strength of student, government of that time had given them self-ruling authority. Now 2025 is another year for the BISE AJK Mirpur Board to declare the 10th class result. Probably this time time matric position holders get more marks. A good educational society is a need for the progress of this part.
plz agr kasi k pas mirpur bourd k cntct numbr ho to bj do plz plz plz plz maray crear ka swal numbr py bj do cntct numbr 03425054131
supli izlat 2025 num 260778
Hi i need my matric result my role nomber is 102293
mera roll number 102196 hai result send karen.
roll no 133279&133300 plz in ka result bata dain