Examining the environmental issues in Pakistan 2024 then there are huge numbers of causes adding from the over population. As the population has been strongly increasing every day then as a result of it the government are forced down to cut the trees and forest. We the appearance of fewer trees we have less greenery and freshness. With more roads, rail and air traffic the environmental pollution gets increased with the passage of time. When there are more people and more houses, the roads, drains, pipes and garbage heaps multiply with the result that greenery begins to disappear and underground water resources begin getting polluted.
Environmental Issues In Pakistan 2024:
Followings are the major issues and they all impact on the environment. So, as a responsible citizen, you need to contribute in society to overcome these problems.
- Emission of Gases:
The second most common purpose for facing environmental issues is basically burning the huge amount of the chemicals and emission of carbon dioxide and many other such gases that are just contributing towards the environment with the negative results. As the chemical gets burned then normally the air that we breathe in also gets impure.
- Disposal of Waste Materials:
Further, the waste materials also support environmental problems at an increased level. Tons of garbage and industrial waste are dumped underground or in rivers and seas. Because of such steps, the fisheries and water mammals are also getting decreased. In addition, it is also resulting in the birth of different health issues as well that can even cause in the shape of water poisoning.
- Effects of the Carbon Dioxide on Environment:
Carbon Dioxide stops the sun rays from entering into the earth’s surface after reflection. This makes the earth hotter and gives rise to storms, floods, and dryness. Further, this damaged the Ozone Layer that causes many problems in forthcoming days.
This causes huge damage and gives rise to so much heating of the earth. If the person exposes his or her body towards the sun for a longer time scale then it will be obvious that he or she will definitely face some skin issues that are just because of the carbon dioxide negative results over the environment.
- Negative Role of Industries:
In addition, the set up of industries and factories to the areas that are closer to the city adds an extra flavor to already existing pollution. There is no doubt that cities go on expanding and reach closer to the industrial and factory-based areas but out government can carry out such planning that can help the residential areas to drive back from the industrial sectors.
In certain parts of our country, industries are strongly contributing to increasing the percentage of environmental and atmospheric pollution tremendously. Moreover, the industries should also make less use of billboards and hoardings for their industries because this will also cause huge damage to the environment.
Solutions of the Environmental Issues in Pakistan:
We need to understand the true dimensions of pollution that are perhaps one of the greatest problems in our country. No one understands the fact that this pollution and environmental troubles are giving to such health issues that are not even treated or can be cured. If we didn’t control the environmental issues then probably we are taking the life of billions of people. Well, we as the responsible government have to take some immediate action for killing this monster.
One of the most imperative steps is to keep the check over the population growth. All those people that make the use of vehicles they should try to make use of fewer vehicles so that there would be minor changes for the emission of carbon dioxide.
The industrial owners should feel the responsibility that they should not throw out the garbage and ton of waste materials in the lakes and rivers because just like humans the water mammals also have the right to live their lives with full freedom. On the whole, we hope that through this piece of text the whole nation would be conscious of their responsibility towards their environmental pollution.