April Fools’ Day is also known as the April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day as well. This is the day which is celebrated yearly on the first day of April. This day has the specialty that every one make jokes, Pranks, Practical jokes and hoaxes to each other. Most of people do it at all the place like offices, schools and some other places. This day is well known in some countries including Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and United States as well. If you want to know that how to fool someone on April fools day trick jokes history in Urdu you can get it through this page. In Pakistan it is becoming famous with every passing day. So now the people are looking the ways to fool people like your friends, family, colleague and also to unknown person to get fun. Here are some best ways to make pranks and fun with people on first April so have a look next to this paragraph. Some easy April fools pranks and practical jokes that can make your April fools days funny.
Best April Fools Day Jokes 2025:
- IF you want to make pranks with your family you can fool them with putting nail polish on the soap clearly to prevent it from it from lathering.
- You can also put the food coloring in the hand soap dispenser.
- Fill someones hair dryer with the baby powder to make them fool
- Easily change the language for Google on the computer of your friend or the own computer of your home.
- Put Elfi on someone’s cigrate so their lips will stick with their lips.
- Take cell phone of someone and change the language to a foreign language to fool them.
- Swap the sign on the men’s toilet and ladies toilet đŸ˜€
- Put a bit hot sauce on someone’s toothbrush so when he/she brush his teeth will feel chilled :p
- Replace the Biscuits cream with the toothpaste and offer someone to eat it.
- Say i love to a girl and if she will over react to this ” Start saying her that i fooled you đŸ˜‰
How To Fool Someone On April Fools Day Trick Jokes History In Urdu
All the above given pranks and practice jokes will help you a lot to fool the people around you. We are also awaring you to be careful on 1st April, you can also be fooled by some one. You can use the above given ways to fool someone on your own risk, if something goes wrong we are not responsible for it. Keep connected with this page to get more latest prank and ways to fool people on date 1st April 2025.