Do you want to find Life Time Token tax fee and last date for submission in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and KPK and procedure of submission these life time token? Starting from Punjab because they take initiative for this step and try to clear all those vehicles that are less than 1000 CC for life time token. Moving towards the token tax fee then at start of this scheme they announce 10000 ten thousand rupees. So at start of this scheme all vehicles are clear in these limited dues. With the passage of time government add a tax of 7700 rupees in total amount and now total token tax fee will become 17700 rupees. Secondly last date for its submission that is 15 December 2025 according to latest announcement. Although this scheme will start from month July but government give multiple chances and according to previous announcement this date will limited to 30 November but now it will extend to 15 December 2025. Further procedures of paying these tokens are given as below.
Life Time Token tax Fee exclude Tax: Ten thousand (10000) rupees
Tax: 7700
Total amount include Tax: 17700
Last Date for submission of these Tokens: 15 December 2025
Submission Procedure:
A very simple procedure is announced for the payment of paying tax. One just visit to related Income tax office and then fill a form that has specific information about previous paid tokens. Because previous paid tokens are minus from this life time token fee. Then this form will submit to another desk that is established for collection of this life time tax. Submit remaining amount at that place and get a receipt with a steeker that will gum on front screen of your car. This procedure is same for whole provinces of Punjab include Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and KPK.
This type of scheme is only working in Punjab. Other province are not start this type of work but hopefully with in period of time again they start this type of project.