Few of hours are left now. At this moment of time the 10th class students must be quite worry and confused enough that how much marks they will be getting in their exams 2025. Now Bise Lahore Board declares a mobile code for Matric students to check their result. One just need to enter roll number and then forward at this number to review marks sheet. This exam makes the base and makes the foundation of your career. If you will score in a maximum way then the rest of your Intermediate and bachelors exams will go in a smoother way. It is all the time advised that students should give their full attention and concentration to this class because these carry much importance in their lives.
- Date: 20th July 2025
It is seen most of the time that girls take more positions in this board, on the other hand, boys are left behind. It has been a history that females are always the toppers and boys hardly take their place in this list. In this year, we have to see that who will be having an edge in these toppers positions. But over all this is good trend to see from long time. It is observed that it is this single Lahore board where massive and wide in range of strong competition is seen among students. Everyone always tries to give hard and strong competition to one another.
“Mobile Code: 80029“
- Send your Roll Number at above Number..
This is one of the fair exams and educational board we have, because of its fair and non discriminatory nature, this has been ranked and rated at the number 1 position. This has been given based on the satisfaction showed by the students and their parents.
One should not take these exams for granted, if you want to make career foundation and future base stronger enough then these should be done by you with perfection. Other wise one will ready for number of troubles in next phase of education.
A now Bise Lahore Board Matric result 2025 will in pipeline, this time by sending your roll number on mobile code one can check marks. We wish that 10th class students get maximum marks and percentage in them. One should remember that it’s not need to disappoint so if you get less marks in this attempt, do not all lose heart and confidence in yourself. Next time, you can take more and maximum marks in your next class.