Pakistan is going through a lot these days. As every day brings something new for it, whether it is a political rift, drill against corruption, judicial activism, governance issues, economic condition or inflation. We start the Essay on Current Affairs of Pakistan 2025 from the current Political Scenarios. Since Imran Khan is out from the office of Prime Minister, there seems a political rift in the environment. Every coming day brings something new to the scene. Currently, it is the future of the PTI which other parties claimed to alter with the alliance of top opposition names.
Drill against Corruption: The interim government has always been determined on no compromise policy on corruption. In recent, FIA suggested filing a reference against many of big names.
Soon under FIA, several others were put on ECL that initiate a whole new debate on the next government but here comes the higher judiciary of Pakistan.
Judicial Activism: The Supreme Court of Pakistan shows its concern on many issues and asserts authority to protect legal values of country. Now, federal government is given a task to review such problems. That raises the questions on governance structure of this country.
Governance Issues: Good governance is the lifeline of any human society. No matter, who exceed the legal limitations but corrective measures need to be taken to avoid the shame in the future. Governance is also seemed to compromise in other fields of administration. Most noticeably, it was seen when the rupee to dollar ratio was changing abruptly and all the concern public office holders were on a different page.
Relation with Friend Countries:
This country relation with China is always significant for the betterment of this country. Right now, China has given this assurance that they will be increasing their imports sooner. The CPEC project is also going in the right direction. Because of this, a massive boost will be given to the economic cooperative partnership. Currently, it supposed to be a changer. Let see how it will strengthen them.
Furthermore, now the economy of this country is mostly dependent on the finical support of friend countries. Especially, gulf countries play a major role in the economic stability of Pakistan. Meanwhile, the relationship with India is always important, but the Kashmir issue is also at the standby position.
Economic Condition:
Although, there is a lot of hustles when it comes to economic development still serious actions are missing. Instead of expanding the revenue and tax circle, the prime focus of the government is to put extra load on already burdened taxpayers. Moreover, there are no war efforts to tackle the menace of unemployment and underemployment which is a real way to nourish the national economy but the focus is still on maintaining cosmetic optics. By doing so, the government is paving the path for inflation.
Inflation has to be the main target of any people’s government, in order to accommodate the marginalized and avoid uncertainty in the economy but yet the task is largely unaddressed.
Currently, Pakistan is facing a lot of problems and the government in charge seems to shy away from real problems and concentrate on the game of optics. Hopefully, this is an appropriate essay on the current affairs of Pakistan 2025. Furthermore, in the next months, the new trends will also add to it.