Soon, application form will call for the Commonwealth Scholarship Pakistan 2025 by the HEC. During the last time, NTS was responsible for collecting the form and test. But this time, HEC has issued the form for this program. Basically, these scholarships are announced for the students of Pakistan as well as for AJK students who want to carry on their studies in the UK. But due to lack of resources, they are failed to achieve their mission. This Commonwealth Scholarship 2025 program will be specified for Master, Doctoral(Ph.D.), Split-site study, Academic Fellowship. This scheme will bear all educational and living expense of the successful applicant. Basically, Higher Education Commission handles these scholarships and they are responsible to check the eligibility criteria of students.
Further HEC gives responsibilities to different sectors that further handle the whole scenarios. The latest program that called under the Commonwealth Scholarship is Medical Fellowship.
Benefits of Commonwealth Scholarship Pakistan 2025:
One will get return ticket of UK, but this will valid if of travel back at end of the program.
- The entire expense of your research.
- Every month, this program provides you the amount of £1,116 for the purpose of living. And £1,369 paid to those students whose university hospitals situated in the London metropolitan area.
- For the purpose of your clothing; allowance will also provide to a candidate.
- If your travel in the UK for purpose of research, then one will also get paid this cost too.
If an applicant is a single parent, then this program will pay £457(per month) to the first child and £112(per month) to the second child too.
Requirements for Commonwealth Scholarship Pakistan 2025:
- For eligibility, its necessary for the applicant that he is not a dual national.
- He must have experience of about 2 years in the related field.
- He must need to provide two references.
- For the doctoral program, it’s essential that his degree was verified from PMDC.
- Its necessary to have the require IELT band to apply for this program.
Completely filled the applicant form of HEC. An unfilled box in your application form will cause to drop you in this program. Get the Form and apply through the proper channel through which their are vital chance of the proceedings. Further, luck is also vital in the selection.
Commonwealth Scholarship Pakistan 2025 Documents:
It’s essential to attach whole academic as well other required documents with this form. The detail of them is in below.
- Your Valid Card and Domicile
- All attested degree from Matric to Bachelor
These documents are checked by the team members that decide for this task. They just point out the most preferable students that fulfill the whole requirements. At the end of the day, these selected candidates are called for a final interview in which candidates are selected for Scholarship.
Contact Info:
The application that is incomplete from any aspect is not select for interview. So must take care when one filled it and must attach whole documents.
When is the Commonwealth Scholarship Pakistan 2025 Test?
Yet, HEC has not declared the last date of Commonwealth Scholarship Pakistan 2025. But, as per few of online resources, its ..January…. This is one golden chance for all those who think that they are eligible, so never miss this opportunity. Keep in mind that this is a complete funded scholarship. The entire schedule will public on newspaper too.