At end of professional degree every graduate is seeking for a job opportunity. And if Punjab Youth Internship Program 2025 will initiate again then it will help the most of the youth as in past one was apply online and got benefit from it. About eight years ago govt take this initiative. Hopefully soon official will call for registration, one need to apply online to be part of it. Through this one can learn fruitful expertise that will play a vital in your selection. This is really a good step to make the curriculum vitae of a fresh graduate more strong by the Chief Minister of Punjab Mian Shahbaz Sharif. Students are the main assets of any country and if these students did not get any opportunity than what will be the result?
Punjab Youth Internship Program 2025:
- At the moment, the Punjab Youth Internship Program 2025 is temporary close and and date then when it will relaunch is also not come. So, now just wait for this opportunity.
The only way to polish your young blood is to provide them such opportunities through which they apply their whole studies on some practical work. Surely this will assist a handsome number of upcoming professional, after this they come in market with more confidence.
Note: Presently, official site of PYIP is down, so its not easy to predict the present status of this internship. So things will clear with upcoming advertisement, or after maintenance of online portal.
- Date for Apply Online: Yet not Disclose
This time a handsome amount of money is added in stipend, after this now under this Program internee will be paid a monthly 15,000 Rupees. This is really good step to take, because previous amount is little bit low. Another major feature of this scheme is that female also get equal opportunity in it.
Important criteria to applicant is that he or she must complete sixteen (16) years education from private of government university.
- As from the name of this program its clear that its only for those who has domicile of any district of Punjab.
- For proven your identity one necessary to has valid ID Card.
As this is for fresh graduates so the one who complete his degree before four (4) years will apply for it.
First one need to registered him/herself in general way, then at time of verification official will prefer a candidate to respected field of your qualification. Although one will not earn much from this platform, but still its good to gain some useful experience. So, the Punjab Youth Internship Program 2025 is in demand from all of the freshers who are looking for some experience.
21-03-2013 TUESDAY AT 10AM
Respected sir,
Due to your kindness and good leadership, more than 50 thousand internees are working all over in Punjab.
Sir, it’s a nice and excellent work by you for welfare of middle class. Sir, they are working very hard and nicely. But sir, middle class and you can say we poor have a threat that you would finish this after February,
Dear sir, it is not happen since the creation of this universe, that after giving training you would say goodbye to trained person,
Secondly, employment for three months???
What is its purpose??????
Please sir we don’t expect this from you to say good bye to us after making us trained and useful,
You are a real soldier of Quaid and Iqbal; you are a personality who can change impossibilities in to possibilities. SO, please sir, announce permanent orders for us!
Heart voice of 50 thousand internees and their poor families
All Youth Internship members from All over the Punjab
Request to C.M Punjab
Member’s PYIP Usman Jillani 0333-4456648
plz any body tell me youth internship 2025 ki registration Kab Ho rhi hai ??