Health & Fitness

Healthy Diet Plan for Weight Gain in Urdu

Posted by hasnain sial
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    In order to get quick and positive results of the Weight Gain Healthy Diet Plan for Weight Gain in Urdu must easy to understand and helpful. According to your requirement you have to focus on your diet, nutrition and your health. Some beginners desperate to get positive results in few weeks and are unable to find then happen, quit Weight Gain at once. Keep on reading this article to have thorough diet guide and tips of what you should eat to ensure the positive results. As given below Healthy Diet Plan for Weight Gain in English soon Urdu Tips also available here for all those that understand better in this language.

    • Insulin is a strong hormone that activates the transportation of nutrients in your body cells. When you eat carbohydrates, the pancreas secrets more insulin that increase the uptake of glucose of cells. In this process, the fat burning becomes very slow. So, its important to control the insulin level of your body to increase the process of fat burning. For this you have to eat 5 to 6 small meals per day.
    • If you eat large meals it will produce excessive amount of insulin leading to the fst absorption of cells. On the other hand, the small meals produce less and controlled amount of insulin required for body. Thus, less fat storage and more fat less well be possible. So, eat good amount of carbohydrates and proteins in your each meal.
    • The second important thing is to control the acidity of your meal. The normal PH level of body is alkaline slightly. In order to keep your good health, you have to keep your body in alkaline state with the help of diet.
    • The imbalanced diet makes your body acidic which can head to serious health problem. To control the acidity you have to add healthy fat and vegetables in your meal which will provide coessential vitamins abd minerals to your body. Some alkaline vegetables are cabbage, lettuce, onion, spinach, cucumber, broccoli, reddish cauliflower, green beans etc. the fruits will alkaline are grapefruits, lemon, tomato, watermelon, banana. The nuts and seeds include almond, pumpkins, sunflower, and sesame etc


    • You should drink a plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. You should drink at least 8 glasses or 2 liters of water per a day. Hydration is the prerequisite for the growth of body. As there is excessive sweating during heavy Weight Gain exercises so it may lead to dehydration and effect the normal functioning of various organs. So, water intake is necessary.
    • Eat fresh food items instead of packed and preserved food because contain a lot of ingredients such as sodium, sugar and saturated fats that are very fattering . you will be surprised to see how quickly you loss weight by eating fresh food. The fresh fruits and vegatables have very low fat in them but are rich in vitamins and minerals.
    • Add protein in your diet by eating cereals, eggs and meat in this way, you have to eat a healthy balanced diet to make your body properly built. This is one best Healthy Diet Plan for Weight Gain who in Urdu is also under working.
    About the Author
    hasnain sial

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