Details about PTA Sim Block, Location System get Phone Number detail Online and Block Unwanted process is given there. Pakistan telecom authority is the government department which is regulates the overall system of telecom sector in Pakistan. All the mobile companies are answerable to the Pakistan telecom authority. Now a new trend to take SIMS on others national identity card number is increasing. Some people use fake SIMs and do some bad activities like decaity, robbery and other terrorist activities. So PTA introduces new technology to identify the person who is using fake SIMs with other national identity numbers. You can check that how many SIMs are working on your own ID number.
The second advantage of this technology is that you can also block that SIM in sitting your home online. Third advantage of this technology is that you can also find the location of that person which is using fake SIM with your name and your national identity number.
For details:
Will Soon Here
Will Soon Here
If you want to check the number of SIMs which are issuing with your own number just go to the official website of the Pakistan telecom authority and after entering the national ID card number you will be able to check the status.
So I think this a good initiative taken by the Pakistan telecom authority to control the crimes and miss use of the SIMs which are now become the headache of every citizen.