Technical skills are always important for any student. These skills must help one to search a job early, because such technical staff jobs are always open in many of private sectors. This year annual KPK Board of Technical Education DAE Exam Result 2025 is finally announced and available here as officials decides to announce it properly. In past peoples are not well aware from the importance of this sort of education. But now with passage of time every one has better idea about its benefits in professional life. Because of these reason now trend of students is going towards these type of institutes. For sure this positive move that will provide some skill person to field.
This is one most important result for all candidates that are going to appear in these exams. Because after this a candidate get enough skill that further he had done able to do job in any private sector. As new government starts working in KPK their first priority is to provide some skill to all youngster that they are able to do some technical work.
Detail of KPK Board of Technical Education announces DAE Exam Result 2025 is given there as officially it will announce..
Soon it will Declare..
Number of youngsters starts watching dream that they get jobs after establishment of this govt. For this till officials of present government works hard to do some thing for youngsters. They advice all youngsters that if they dream to get a job then they must has some technical skill. So in this situation a technical diploma is best option for all students that are quite needy for job. This is the reason that this year huge number of candidates are appear in these exams, although this is a good sign that now youngsters are motivate towards studies.
Now all students are get ready that appear in these exams because there are not too many time left before announcement of result. All candidates are also build too many hopes from this result because it is directly affected on their jobs. Hope so it must good for their future.
I am waiting my position cermony,merit certificate i hope the technical board wil be Response and cal us soon.
Name:Hamid ali
roll no: 759973
obtain marks 2825 out of 3350
instiute : Gct nowshera