Board of Intermediate and Secondary education Punjab board has been announced the Punjab Board matric supplementary result 2025 date 21 November 2025 for 9th 10th ssc part 1 and part 2 of every board. There are so many sources said BISE Punjab will be announced the matric supply result 2025 in second week of December, 2104 or in the end of the month of December, 2025 but exacted date will be 21 November by the officials. The officials conducted the examination of supplementary but some time required to announced the check and manage the whole candidates results in Punjab and after the authorities announced the results in honest manners. The candidates waiting for the matric supply result 2025 must be stay touch with us for upcoming information about the matric supplementary result because this page is uploaded the result after two to three hours announcement the result details.
This board conducted this time the late exams of the matric supplementary students due to flood in different kinds of cities and the students belongs of different cities suffering form the flood due to this board management decides to participating maximum students in supplementary examinations.
The main purpose of this to promote the education in all over Punjab and also managed the education as per international standard because Punjab is real contributed to progress of Pakistan. The aims of Punjab board to provide the education throughout in Punjab and every person of in this province becomes educated due to their efforts and hard working.
Punjab board conducted and mange the whole examination of those students and all other all other issued related to education in honest and fair manners. This board committed to promote the education and provides the fair examination system and also provides the excellent educational environment for building the nation. The students getting affiliation through this board is trying to appear international level with strong educational background. The candidates waiting for the matric supplementary result best wishes and get good marks under all Punjab Boards.