From here one can find Bise Larkana Board 9th, 10th Class Roll Number Slips 2025 Matric Download. Larkana is the city of province sindh. In sindh language it is called larkano. This city is located near the ghar canal in sindh. This city is famous because of zulfiqar ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto. Both these are the Ex-prime minister of Pakistan. There are a large number of crops which are cultivated in larkana like potatoes carrots and melons
Larkana is also famous for education purposes. There are a large number of schools and colleges inn larkana. These all schools and colleges are affiliated with the Board of intermediate and secondary education larkana. Education in this city is not same as compared to other main cities like Lahore and Karachi but they are trying to improve the education standard now and they bring a lot of improvement in larkana. It’s because of the interest of provincial govt of sindh.
Download Bise Larkana Board 9th, 10th Class Roll Number Slips 2025 Matric as it will announce..
Board of intermediate and secondary education larkana is a board which is responsible to take exams of class 5th, metric and intermediate levels students. This board is situated in larkana, sindh. It was established in 2005 and in start it also took exam for class 5th metric and intermediate. Larkana is the biggest stream for education purposes and board of intermediate and secondary education larkana is considered to be the improving board who is improving its standard where almost thousands of students appear in the exam every year.
At metric level Board of intermediate and secondary education larkana offered two groups i.e. Science and Arts but at intermediate level Board of intermediate and secondary education larkana offer 6 groups named as pre engineering group, pre medical group, Arts group, general science group, computer science group and commerce group.
So according to the per yearly routine of the Board of intermediate and secondary education larkana, now this board is going to conduct annual metric exam 2025. The exam will start in the month of April and the date sheet will be uploaded soon on the official website of larkana board and the date sheet of science group and Arts group is given in the following:
For Arts and science Students:
Paper will starts in the month of April. Roll number slips will be uploaded soon on the official website of Board of intermediate and secondary education larkana. The date sheet is also described in the following.
Students can also download their roll number slips from the official website of Board of intermediate and secondary education larkana.
How they get roll number slips?
They just go on the official website of Board of intermediate and secondary education larkana and just enter their 9th class roll number. When you will enter class 9th roll number your new roll number slip of class 10th will open and then you can print that roll number slip. Students of class 9th can also get their roll number slips from the official websites of larkana board.