Entry test result answer key of Police Station Assistant 2025 is available here that are taken by NTS. Police Station Assistant and Senior Station Assistant vacancies announced last month only for those candidates having intermediate degree in computer sciences but now this time candidates applied against this vaccines and should be waiting for the entry test and their answer keys should be stay touch with our website for latest upcoming information after announcement by the official and candidates must be download answer keys initially after the entry test. National Testing Service conducts the entry test of eligible candidates on 16 November, 2025. The government of Punjab started this program only those students which having only domicile of Lahore and the government of Punjab taking responsibility to National Testing Service to conducted this entry test in honest manners. Through this program brings changing occur in police department and introduced the advanced system for the betterment of this old system. These persons are higher for the betterment of old system of police station that is failed to control the law and order completely. For this all eligible candidates are selected that full fill whole requirements and pass through a proper procedure.
As Answer key and Result is announce for Police Station Assistant and senior test are come by NTS they are updated here
National Testing Service is only organization in Pakistan that’s conducts the different kinds of jobs examination test from different organization and managed their own all system in fair and efficient manners. No this time NTS is announced only selected students and rejected student of this entry test and stat connected with us for test result answer key of police station assistant 2025 because this page provides quick information after announce the officials. This program is also started to enhance the efficacy of police because this department serve and protect the people. These recruitment’s will announce due to upcoming circumstance of law and order in Punjab. Government build lot of expectations from these officers that they do well in upcoming days and do all work in true manner. These requirements are also finalize on pure merit so its responsibility of every applying candidate that he must give solid attempt. Further as Police Station Assistant NTS Test Result Answer Key 2025 Punjab Police Jobs are announce they by officials one can also check here.