Latest news about Punjab Arts, science Teacher/Educator Jobs 2025 is that now Application Submission date extended to 23rd November 2025. This extension will take place for the facilitation of all those that want apply for this Job. These jobs are equally open for arts as well as science educators so a vast opportunity of job will open for all graduates as well as for masters. Those candidates that complete masters are prefer to those that apply with graduation. Initially 20 November is the last day for the submission of application but it will extend for a period of three days. So all desired candidates that miss this opportunity and not able to submit their application form before given date must apply for it before 23 November 2025.
Teacher/Educator Jobs
Date Extension Up to: 23 November 2025
This time Punjab government step forward to give this job opportunity to their youngsters. From a period of time they are free due to unavailability of job and now mostly are seeing disappoint. So it’s necessary that government doing something for these youngsters. So now Punjab government gives this opportunity to serve as teacher. Another important thing is that these jobs are open for every district of Punjab; this thing finishes the concept of favoritism. Now from any part of Pakistan eligible person get chance for this job.
Application Form
Application forms are available on official site of NTS because they are official to handle the whole sceneries of these jobs from submission of application to the holding of entry test. So must download the application form from below link and submit it to given collection centers.