Details of Warid 4G LTE Launching Date Speed Test Free Trial are expected to announce at end of May or start of June 2025. Officially launching date for free trial and speed test is not announce but they wonder users of all cellular networks when an official message from Warid is come that they are best and must offer something special. Till a response will not come from any side that which type of services they are going to announce. But through this message they stop all users that are switch to other network that offer 3G or 4G services. Here another important thing is that 4G LTE is latest technology that gives better services than anyone else. These whole things are better clear when speed test and free trial will announce and most important launching date of these 4G LTE services. Hopefully these whole updates are come in few days and as officially any update will come it will must update here on this page. Further Warid advertisement will also update below.
- We are Worth the Wait Indeed
- The Best is yet to Come 4G LTE
Another rumor will come that when Warid will come in Pakistan they get a license of 1800 MHz spectrum. So after this they are able to give services of 4G LTE but this is complete wrong and till its not possible that without permission they give such type of services. So they must doing something to offer these 4G LTE services. And till other cellular network are also silent, we also waiting for a clear point of view from any side. As any update will come belongs to Launching Date Speed Test Free Trial 4G LTE of Warid network it will must give there.