As this year greater number of candidates complete their registration for final exams. So according to date sheet now day arrive for the announcement of 9th, 10th Class Matric Roll Number Slip 2025 Bise Peshawar Board. There are not too many days left before starting of annual exams for both of these classes. So every student that is going to appear in these exams is waiting for this roll number slip anxiously. This is the only document that is used for identity of candidate, so every candidate try to get it as soon as possible. While during these days every student has lot of burden so one has not time for wastage. Due to this board give opportunity to download it, now this year this is also available at this page for download so one just clicks on below button to download it and make sure that one is eligible for these annual exams.
Till Date Sheet is announce and after few days of it roll number slips are also come for download..
Bise Peshawar Board is most old working board in KPK. Huge numbers of students are carrying on their studies under this platform. This is one board of KPK that update their educational system with passage of time. They try to make students conceptually strong with best educational system. For this team of this board struggle hard and try their level best to make those changing that are helpful for students in making them conceptually strong. Now it’s time for the annual exams of ssc part 1 and 2 that also known as Bise Peshawar Board 9th, 10th Class annual matric exams 2025 for which online roll number slip is available here for download. At the day of examination must carry this document because this is only document that prove your identity in examination hall center on final day.
Rehan khan
father name/sabeel khan