From current context, only few days will left before beginning of NAT 1 and 2 Test. Hopefully first test will schedule in January 2025. Moreover exact dates will disclose shortly, so one need to follow these days to download registration form at time. If one is going in detail of these test, then most of time NAT 1 will held for admission of Undergraduate program. Passing students will eligible to apply in its associated private and semi government universes with in time period of one year. For the purpose of eligibility, only 50% marks will require. But at time of selection only those candidates will get strong position who score well in this test. That’s why passing marks are not enough to fulfill your purpose.
Have a look at purpose of NAT 2, then this test will beneficial for the applicants of master programs. Moreover, few undergraduate courses will also come under its limiting roles. Both of these test will take for more then time in a year. So when one will feel good about preparation, then go for test at multiple time in a year.
If one is going in depth of these test then both of them are further integrating in four or five type on bases of groups. Like for engineering and medical group, two different NAT 1 test will schedule.
- Schedule:
Will Public Soon
Every student who desire to get admission in any good private or semi government institute, then this test is most important for them. This schedule is helpful for them for better understanding that in which way they complete their preparation. According to date of test one can make better idea about preparation that in which way one can carry on his studies.
As mention at starting part of this writing, that in January one of the test will held. Further one need to wait for some more time to check the official schedule. Almost NAT and GAT General Test Schedule will declare at same time in 2025. Both of these test will valid for the sake of admission.