Do you want to find BISE Peshawar Board Matric, 10th Class Result 2025? Then from here you can find Matric class result of BISE Peshawar Board. All 10th class students of Peshawar Board are too much excited about this result because now time comes close its announcement. This is one old working and big board of Pakistan that working from 1964. From a long period of time unlimited students that belong to kpk pass their inter and matric classes under the supervision of Peshawar Board. With the passage of time they try to make improvements in their system. Due to this they are able to give bright future to the young generation of this province. Every year thousands of students take their exams under its platform. Their exams are conduct in the month of March. And they try to announce the result in the month of june or may be at the start of july. Due to this now time came close, officials try to finalize their work that they announce their result at given time. We try to update this result as officially it will announce so keep in touch with this page.
BISE Peshawar Board Matric, 10th Class Result 2025
After officials announcement BISE Peshawar Board Matric, 10th Class Result 2025 is given there….
If one sees the area in which BISE Peshawar Board conduct exams then it will spread to whole NWFP and its tribal areas just like Peshawar, Charsadda, Chitral, and Agencies Khyber & Mohmand. Initially its area is too much vast and necessity of establishment of new board can arise. Another important thing is that it’s really difficult to handle huge number of students. So now couple of new boards also establishes that start their working. BISE Peshawar Board always takes those steps that are really beneficial for the students of KPK. They never compromise on their roles and regulations. Although they face security threat from a period of time but still they are boost up and ready to serve their nation. With passage they modernize their system and give position to those things that are necessary for the students in order to survive in modern world. They work through proper strategy and make proper plan according to taking of exams and according to announcement of results. Another importance of this board is that they never late their result at any cost. During 2025 it will announce in the end of june of start of july so excitement of students goes to its peak as it will come close. Our whole best wishes are with all those Matric or 10th Class students who waiting for BISE Peshawar Board Matric result 2025. After official announcement it will give there so must visit this page.
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