There are not too many days left before announcement of 9th 10th class matric Result 2025 bise Kohat board. BISEKT is known as Bise Intermediate and Secondary Education Kohat in KPK. BISE Kohat is going to be announced annual Matric 9th, 10th (Science and General Group) classes result as soon as possible in 2025. Normally the result will be announced 1st week or 2nd week of June by the BISE Kohat. The board is working with mission to provide health environment, better education and fair examination system for the best future of the students of Pakistan. BISE Kohat conducted several hundreds and thousands 9th and 10th students’ exams every year. There are great number of schools and colleges affiliated with this board. It is sets their own rules and regulations for these institutes. If any school or college fulfills all the requirements then the school or college affiliated with this board. Otherwise it can cancel the affiliation of any institute due to not follows the rules of board. Moving towards the examination schedule then every year 9th 10th annual exams are held one time and after one month of examination official are responsible to announce this result. This year we try to update this 9th 10th Result 2025 on this page as officially it will announce.
Till 9th and 10th result of Khoat Board is not announce as officials announce this result it will must update here on this page.
BISE Kohat has been established since 19 January, 2002 with the meeting of Brig (Retd) Talat Imtiaz as The Founder Chairman. BISE Kohat is one best educational board in KPK. This board is consists of a four storey building, a mosque, an auditorium, a hostel, a bank and a post office. In additional this board has consisted store room and four specious halls for using central marking. It is responsible to select the syllabus books and other activates which the necessary for the educational system. The board also has a comprehensive secrecy department to handle all the confidential and secret matters that is belonging to examination. BISE Kohat is one the best organization and most efficient board in Pakistan. Through this educational board mostly students get positions every year. We hope all the students whose appear in the Matric 9th and 10th examination in 2025 pass and get excellent marks in annual examination of 9th 10th class Result 2025.