Graduation exams are too much important for every candidate because on the bases of these exams one get job opportunity. While for majority of candidates this is last educational assignment in their whole career. For a well recognized university Sargodha University(UOS) B.Com Part 1,2 Result 2025 will be announced in the first week of September as contradict of previous year University of Sargodha Result announcement date. Every Year Sargodha University announces B.Com Part 1 and B.Com Part 2 exams in the month of August 2025 but this year it is delayed due to unidentified reason. The most embarrassing things ever faced by students mostly is that there is no buzzed up before the actual result declarati0n.
It creates hype among the students of Sargodha University’s Students about the actual result declaration. Many communities and students buzzed up about the expected date for result declaration and creates many confusions in minds of students about exams result.
- Till exact date is not announced but according to previous results this is the month for the announcement of result.
Sargodha University B.Com Part 1,2 Result 2025 will be announced soon..
The most expected date of result declaration is first week of September 2025. But still there is no actual date of result declaration of B.Com Part 1 and B.Com Part 2 exams 2025. Students are still waiting for their result that will be issued here as well as Possible. All the best for all those students that are waiting for this result. That they get good marks and on the bases of these marks they get option to do a good job. Now number of jobs in Pakistan is announced on graduation qualification so knowledge that a student gets at this level of education is always useful in career. So be positive and do best for country as well as your self when you go for next job on the bases of this degree.
plllllz announce the result and pass every student
plz tell me the date of bcom part 1 final exams