Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif Apni Gari Apna rozgar kaam CM Punjab Apna Rozgar Scheme 2025 2025 District Wise Draw Result List Selected Candidates Lucky Draw come on 8, 9 and 10 January 2025. These computerized lucky draw results are come in 9 Nine division of Punjab. In this scheme every one shows their trust on government and they receive 152,478 application forms that is best example of faith. Selected candidates lists are available online on bank of Punjab website BOP or it is also available in offices of district offices. With this all those candidates that apply for bolan or Ravi car get chance to start their own business. After this lucky applicants just fulfill their next criteria and after passing a few days he will able to take this car. This type of scheme is already announcing by Punjab government and with this number of persons take benefits. After get appreciation from first scheme this time again Punjab CM decides to give carriage vehicles through which number of peoples becomes busy in their own business. So now time come, get ready and prays that your name will come in CM Punjab Apna Rozgar Scheme District Wise Draw Result List Selected Candidates Lucky Draw.
Moving towards some features of this CM Punjab Apna Rozgar Scheme then this is announced for every district of Punjab. So it is not limited to a certain area that is one major reason that huge numbers of applicants are receiving. One major benefit of this scheme is that Bolan or Ravi is given without any interest price. Even some price is also less from the original one. This time government also tries to make sure that all vehicles are given to those persons that fulfill the whole eligibility criteria. So due to this District Wise Draw Result List Selected Candidates Lucky Draw of CM Punjab Apna Rozgar Scheme importance is going high and after one is waiting for these results.