Health & Fitness

How to Get Long Nails Fast at Home Growing Tips in Urdu

Posted by hasnain sial
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    The most prominent part of human body is nails. Now-a-days beautiful nails are becoming the essential part of fashion and styles. So, everyone wishes to have beautiful nails and also wishes their nails grow faster. As beautiful nails increases the hands beauty. There are many factors that slow down nail growth this may be due to hormonal changes, due to aging process, due to unhealthy food, due to nutrition’s deprivation or may be due to medications. Brittle nails, nails breakage, splitting of nails also the cause of slow nail growth. By taking a good diet and by following simple home remedies you will have beautiful strong nails. Some effective home remedies and growing tips in English ( Not in Urdu) are discussed below after this one easily understand that how to get long nails fast at home:


    • Olive oil is best to promote the nail growth. When we apply onto the skin it goes deep down into the skin. Furthermore, it contains the essential mineral such as Vitamin E which circulates the blood. Hence it strengthens the nails and helps to grow longer. Combine 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 3tbsp of olive oil, heat this mixture onto the flame and for just 10 minutes soak your nails this remedy increases the growth of nail.
    • Coconut oil contains essential elements which is good for nail health. Moreover, it makes the cuticles strong. So it is suggested that before doing massage with coconut heat this well and then do massage gently. For best results do massage in circular motion and continue this process until you get the desired result.
    • Lemon has the solution of every problem as the Vitamin C is included in it, which ensures the healthy growth of nails. Take one lemon and cut in into slices and then do massage on your cuticles. This is the very efficient method for nail growth.


    • Here is a very simple and effective remedy. Soak your hands in Luke warm water for just 5 minutes daily. This kills the bacteria as this reduces the nail growth.
    • Garlic juice contains special elements which provide nourishment to your nails. Apply garlic juice and don’t do massage leave it for 15 minutes. Continue this process, within a week you will have beautiful strong and long nails.
    • Hand lotions are available at every home you just have to massage your nails with it in the circular motion for at least 10-15 minutes. Within a few days you will see the visible positive change in your nails.
    • Almond oil contains special nutrients such as Omega-3, Omega-6 which have very nourishing properties. Mix almond oil with olive oil in equal quantity. Take a cotton bud and apply with it and leave for 15 minutes. Repeat this process for at least two weeks.
    About the Author
    hasnain sial

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