Do you want to find Ramadan Sehri, Iftar dua in Arabic, Urdu. Then here you can find Dua for Sehar and Iftari during Ramazan 2025. As we all know that Ramadan arrives within few days due to which preparation regards to Sehri and Iftar goes to its peak. Every must from if every age from Kid to mature persons to old ones all are ready for Roza in this Holly month. In short every age of men and women desire to fast in this month. Another important thing is that these fasts are compulsory in Islam for all those Muslim that ages are greater than ten years. The child that ages are less than this limit they also doing Sehri and Iftar with a lot of craze. As all knows that everything in Islam will take with proper plan so two different Dua are compulsory at time of Sehar. Before Iftar a dua is also compulsory that one recite this Dua. So it’s necessary that you must read this Ramadan Sehri, Iftar Dua. Here we try to give you both dua for Sehar as well as Iftar so keep in touch with this page.
Ramadan Sehri, Iftar dua in Arabic, Urdu
Ramadan Sehri, Iftar dua in Arabic, Urdu is given there…
If one sees the importance of Ramadan in Islam then it is a HOLLY month in which fasts are necessary for every Muslim. Ramadan also learns patience to every Muslim. When every Muslim spends his whole day without eating anything and everyone is also happy in whole situation then it is original beauty of this month. Ramadan is considering as month of forgiveness so every Muslim try their level best to pass it in better way. They all make sure to take Sehri at given time and recite Sehar Dua before ending of Sehri. While after this they spend whole day in remembering of ALLAH, while when Iftar time came close women start preparation of Iftari. So before Iftar every one remembers dua and must recite Dua before Iftar.