Labor Day sms messages, quotes saying and wishes 2025

Posted by hasnain sial
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    This is best place from where you can find Labor (Labour) Day sms messages, quotes saying and wishes 2025. Labor (Labour) Day will come on every 1 may of every year. If one sees the importance of Labor Day then it is one most important day for every kind of person. Due to this total offices and other local institutes are closed on this day. They all are just wanted to become voice of the workers whose income is less than their expenses. There are several reasons behind this problem, among these major one is that our growth rate of population is very high. On the other side our resource are not increase with this increasing ratio of population. So on this day it’s necessary to find the solution of this major problem. On this day workers try to create awareness among those who are not known about this day through sending sms messages. While they also send quotes saying and wishes 2025 between each other to boost up and carry on their struggles. We try to update you with unique collection of these things so keep in touch with this page.

    Labor Day sms messages, quotes saying and wishes 2025

    Labor Day sms messages, quotes saying and wishes 2025

    Labor Day sms messages, quotes saying and wishes 2025 are given there..

    1: A bad day at work is better
    than a good day in hell.
    Happy Labor Day.

    2: Mere hamsaye Se koi akar ye poche,
    Kya halat h mere Ik ghar ki,
    Jawab milega yahi k Main Faaqe karke bhi Mazduri kya Krta hoon.
    HapPY laBOurz Day!

    3: Let’s celebrate the labor
    That built up this great
    land From field to field
    to desk to desk
    They built it hand in hand.
    Happy Labor Day.

    4: Your Hard work &
    Your dedication
    Have helped to build the nation
    May you have a great time ahead
    Happy Labor Day

    5: Exercising my right to stay up and sleep in,
    cause there’s no school on labor day in ‘Merica.

    6: Shout out to whoever invented labor day!
    Because of you I don’t have school and
    I get to sleep in. Thank you.

    Different seminars also arranged to create awareness in community. In these seminars big names related to different fields also participates to show soft image of Pakistan on international level. But these types of seminars are not enough for this day. It’s necessary for serious action that overcomes the problems of labors and effective for the progress of Pakistan. Another important thing is that it’s compulsory that government also take action to fix salaries that are enough for workers. Hopefully in future govt try to do something for their labors.

    About the Author
    hasnain sial

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