
Shut Down Apps Features For iPhone Low Battery Increase iPhone Battery Life Tips

Posted by hasnain sial
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    iPhone’s are the most famous product of Apple which is world famous and used by majority of People.Shut Down Apps Features For iPhone Low Battery Increase iPhone Battery Life Tips are given for them to save their battery. If you will quite you all apps in iPhone 4,5 and 6 you can worsen battery life and use it for long time. The most embarrassing thing is that, when you are using iPhone for an urgent piece of work but you battery is about to finish. To get rid from this problem and save your battery you have to shut down you all apps and all the detailed method is given here for you. It is an experience of me that when your iPhone battery is working poorly you close out your all running apps to preserve the battery life. If you are a traveler you must get to learn that how to save your iPhone’s battery life. iPhone is a line of smartphone which is designed and marketed by Apple Inc which is runed by and Apple iOs mobile operating system. The first generation iPhone was being released in the year of 2007 at the date of 29th July, 2007, the most famous and recent iPhone is is and iPhone 6 Plus which were unveiled at the special event on the date of 9th September, 2025.

    iPhone has an internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery like an iPod but as most other mobile it is replaceable. Apple has also tested the battery and says that the battery life is being designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity after 400 full charge and discharges cycles. SO there are many people who are having fast battery low problem. Here we are giving you a way that how to save iPhone battery under here:

    Shut Down Apps Features For iPhone Low Battery Increase iPhone Battery Life Tips

    iPhone battery saving tips ios 8
    How To Quit iPhone Apps Running in Background:

    • Firstl of all you have to Fastely double touch at the home button and open up the multi-task bar. After that a multi-task
      bar appear which will be showing you all apps which are running in the background.
    • Now you have to Press and hold the icon you want to quite, by doing this icons will start to wiggle and a red minus symbol
      will be shown on the top left of every icon.
    • If you want to quite a app you have to Tap each minus symbol and the app icon will disappear after doing that.
    • Now you just press close the multi-task bar and get back to your desktop. Now it has been done and don’t get worried about your battery, it will be saved and do the same thing on regular basis.
    About the Author
    hasnain sial

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