
Telenor Postpaid Call Internet Packages 2025

Posted by ali sial
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    Unquestionably, the progress rate of this network is really good in Pakistan. Now in 2025, some new Telenor Postpaid call internet packages are more useful. In presence of these offers, one cannot find a better option than these ones. Previously, the postpaid offer was only considering for Urban users, or consider suitable for a businessman. But now, Telenor is not let to go those customers who belong to rural areas. Now they are well aware of the benefits of these packages. As its clear from the following portion, that this time plenty of new choices are accessible for users.

    Telenor Postpaid Call Packages 2025:

    Its clear from the strategies of this network that they are really creative. They valued their customers on bases of their needs and they covered them in Telenor Postpaid call packages 2025. Meanwhile, for the business community they are better then previous.

    Bundle Name Minutes Charges Activation Code
    Any Network Voice 110 150 Rupees Online
    Same Network 550 150 Rupees Online
    On Net 250 1300 380 Rupees Online
    All Net 250 280 380 Rupees *345*822#
    On Net 550 3000 820 Rupees *345*833#
    Any network 550 620 830 Rupees *345*823#

    Postpaid Freedom Packages

    This combination is further connecting into multiple offers.

    • Freedom 300

    Price: 545 Rupees

    Internet Bundle 2000 MB + 1000 MB for social usage
    Calling Minutes for any Network 150
    Minutes on same network 1000
    • Freedom 350

    Price: 620 Rupees

    Internet Volume 4000 MB
    Minutes Bundle on Same 2500
    Other Minutes 200
    • Freedom 420

    Price: 420 Rupees

    Net Bundle 6,144 MB but 3072 for 12 hours
    Same Net Voice Minutes 3000
    Other 150 Min
    • Freedom 700

    Price: 700 Rupees

    Free Internet 12,288 MB
    Minutes for Same Net 5000
    Other 300 Minutes
    • Other Freedom Offers:
    Freedom Offer Name Internet Bundle Call Minutes Charges
    Freedom 825 20,480 but 10,240 MB are for 12 hour usage 5000 Same Network + 450 On any 825 Rupees
    Freedom 600 12,000 MB 7,000 Minutes + 350 of every net minutes 1060 Rupees
    Freedom 1000 40,960 MB but 20,480 MB is only for 12 hour On net Unlimited + 700 on all 1580 Rupees
    Freedom 1500 71,680 MB + 35,840 for 12 hours Unlimited + 1200 Minutes on anyone 2320 Rupees

     “Postpaid Family Share Plans”

    This is for whole family that’s why its bigger. Its allowed two sorts of bundles for postpaid users. These packets are classified in to:

    Family Share Plans Line Internet Bundle Call Minutes Charges
    1 20GB + 5GB for Social Unlimited + Other net 700 Minutes 1887 Rupees
    2 30GB + 5GB for Social 10,000 Minutes + 1050 of any minutes 2574 Rupees
    3 40GB + 5GB for Social Unlimited + 1400 on all 3124 Rupees
    4 50GB + 5GB for Social Unlimited + 1750 for any network 3261 Rupees

    Let go into the specified net bundles that are:

    Telenor Postpaid Internet Packages 2025:

    These are dedicatedly for the internet usage and very good volume are add on in them. For the one month, this is fair enough for even regular users too.

    Bundle Name Volume Charges Activation Code
    Data Bolts 300 3000MB  + 1000MB for 12 Hour 350 Rupees *345*38#
    Data Bolts 450 5000MB  + 1500MB 520 Rupees *345*37#
    Data Bolts 700 8000MB  + 2000MB 800 Rupees *345*36#
    Data Bolts 1000 15,000MB + 3000MB 1140 Rupees *345*35#
    Data Bolts 1500 25,000MB + 5000MB 1700 Rupees *345*34#

    a great option there

    Note: Right now, all of these offers are functional.

    Users will like each and everything of these Telenor Postpaid call and internet packages 2025. With this, one will get rid of everyday card charge or other hectic issues like these ones.

    About the Author
    ali sial

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    1. Dr Faizan says:

      well I ported from warid postpaid to telenor. still confused about Persona 100 or 500 package. I mean no balance details, no free minute remaining details, no sms remaining details, at the end of completing your call as provided by postpaid warid free of cost. you have to spend 2Rs/SMS for all these inquireis. It means you have to spend 10Rs at the end of each call, sms, mms, to know how much left.
      Don’t you think it is ridiculous with postpaid customers? there must be free of cost information regarding remaining free minutes, balance, sms details, mms details, internet usage, etc bypassing this “details only on demand” procedure. I am confused why I adopted telenor persona despit of good service in warid postpaid ;( Isn’t? If all these services are free of cost in telenor postpaid as well, as in warid postpaid, then what is the procedure?

    2. Muhammad Aamir Paracha says:

      Dear Sir,

      kindly provide me telenor postpaid umlimited package detail

      Muhammad Aamir Paracha

    3. waseem sajjad says:

      Dear Sir,

      kindly provide me telenor postpaid umlimited package detail..


      CH.Waseem sajjad

    4. Samiullah Malik says:

      Dear sir,
      i have a post paid connection of Telenor network i want added sns package pl tell me SMS Bundles:

      Rs. 25: 250 SMS how can install in our cell phone. thanks

    5. Saeed ur Rehman says:

      I have postpaid persona connection, how can i check my used and balance free minutes.

    6. sohail says:

      please send all postpaid packages

    7. naveed Mehmood says:

      How can i get sms bundle offer Rs 50, 600 sms

    8. naveed alam says:

      please sendme all post paid packages.

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