
BISE Rawalpindi Board 9th Class Result 2025

Posted by hasnain sial
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    From here you can find BISE Rawalpindi Board 9th Class Result 2025. According to performances Rawalpindi Boards is among the most recommended boards in Pakistan. As we know that recently matriculation and intermediate examination has be undertaken and all the cities have their own individual boards that have conducted the examination stages. Every year all the boards try to work even greatly harder than the previous year for providing additionally comfortable and relaxed facilities to the students. Rawalpindi is one of the well known cities of Pakistan and every year Rawalpindi board arranges the matriculation exams for the neighborhood cities students. Rawalpindi board was set up in 1977 and for about last 35 years it is massively serving the students with the perfect educational environment and surroundings in the examination centers. Students can easily give the examinations from the Rawalpindi board but the condition is that they should belong to the regions that specifically come within the limits of Rawalpindi and the cities included in it are Rawalpindi, Attock, Chakwal and Jhelum. Rawalpindi board has always tried to put forward their gigantic amenities as the competition among the boards is also widely noticing in the educational sector. Here we try to update this 9th class result of Rawalpindi board 2025 so keep in touch with this page.

    Click here to find Rawalpindi Board 9th Result 2025

    BISE Rawalpindi Board 9th Class Result 2025

    Result 2025
    BISE Rawalpindi Board 9th Class Result 2025 is given there…

    The main intention of the Rawalpindi board is to allow their applied students to get the immediate help in the need of hour and should also make them introduce with perfect staffing facility of Rawalpindi board. The environment and the invigilators set for the examination are well educated and surely cooperate with the students at any time. Few months back just like other boards of Pakistan Rawalpindi board has also conducted the 9th class board examination. The exams were taken out in the month of March, 2025. As regard many students are anxiously restless regarding their result date so it is expected that the result will be announced in the end of July or in starting week of August but according to the board management the result date is 1at the start of August 2025.

    The students can get all the precious information and facts about the result from the website It is one of the most famous websites and it will additionally keep the students up to date concerning all the results details. Moreover any urgent announcement made by the board committee will shortly be updated on the website too. All the result specifics will be downloaded on the website at 10:00 AM on the exact result date. So all the students just grab your heart beat because the date is just about to arrive. come and join the Rawalpindi Board 9th Class Result 2025 discussion. All the best wishes fro all those students that are waiting for this result.

    About the Author
    hasnain sial

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    1. KAINAT says:

      PRAY 4 ME

    2. ayesha says:

      wen is 9th class result going to b announced…wat is final date?????tell me

    3. hamz alam says:

      plz mare lye dua krna

    4. usman ali says:

      hey guyzzz!!! the 9th class result will b announced on tommorow plzzz pray 4 me n all the students…

    5. amey says:

      kab aye ga result??????????????????????

    6. KAINAT says:

      kb hai result????????????????????????????

    7. jawad says:

      HI i was forget my roll nmber,any ather way to check my result,in internet, by name,plz any body tell me

    8. iram noor says:

      students dil pe kaboo rhkho. result ki date 15 august ha intazaar of luck all students.

    9. ammar says:

      theak ha mere jan

    10. mahnoor says:

      yaaaaar bta do na result abbbbbbbbbbb..

    11. shahid says:

      irum jan and mahnoor jan result will be announced on 15 august.

    12. ali says:

      please pray for me.
      and best of luck to all students!!!!!

    13. Aiman khan says:

      Hy friends main to kud be chaine sy rzlt ka intezar kr ri hon.Wish u best of luck gayz

    14. Qandeel ali says:

      Aaa jay ga rzlt

    15. Nauman ali says:

      15 august ko shaid 9th class ka result aha jau.

    16. moueez says:

      plz result bata do

    17. changaiz pricipal of gov.t says:

      15-08-2012 ko rawalpindi board 9th class ka final result hain
      time= 10:00am

    18. aamir rizwan says:

      hi guys , hows ur feeling , guys tomorw result will be announced, best of luck all of u

    19. aamir rizwan says:

      0332-5512328 plz inform me through msg or call everybody ok guys and pray fo everyone

    20. PrinCess says:

      plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pray 4 me………………!

    21. tayyab says:

      plzz pray for me

    22. Talha Shahzad says:

      plz plz plz plz plz pray 4 me
      best of luck
      every body
      tomarrow will be result

    23. Asad Maqsood says:

      subha result me nhi sone wala aj

    24. asma n ayesha says:

      plejjj plejjjj pray 4 ussss….

    25. Amjad ali sial says:

      Eysha je aj 10:00am announced hoga….result 9th ka….

    26. danyal says:

      result kab ayae ga.

    27. HAMZA says:

      AAJ 15 HAI…..KB AYE GA?

    28. saba pari says:

      relux frndz …..

    29. Haider ali says:

      O yes every thing will be shot

    30. sharyar abbasi says:

      pray 4 me all pakistani,s

    31. sharyar abbasi says:

      pray 4 me all pakistani,s
      i luv pakistan

    32. zaheer abbas says:

      doniyan walo apny liya or mary liya dua ker ALLAH ap logon ko achy numb sy pass kery aaameeeeeeeeen

    33. mohammad nasir says:

      assalam o alikum
      multan board aaj 11:30bjay 9th class ka result anounsed kray ga
      my roll num is 380129
      my brother roll is 380130

    34. Shahzaib Khalid says:

      Plz pray for me and all the students. jin ka aaj result ha

    35. asif says:

      yar 9th ka result bhot bura aya hai

    36. fsaeed says:

      plzzzzzzzzzz pray for me aloooooootttttttt….

    37. muhammad Farooq says:

      please………… Pray for us

    38. umair niazi says:

      yar kab aye ga

    39. qasim says:

      pas ho gya ha ahsan tu

    40. ASGHAR MEHMOOD says:

      pakistani 10am result out ho ga yaaaaa?

    41. mobeen naeem says:

      aur kitna wait kary gy

    42. fsaeed says:

      i got 427 marks out of 470…….

    43. nouman zubair says:

      i got 415 marks…………………

    44. aamir rizwan says:

      hi fiends , result agya?

    45. aamir rizwan says:

      congrats guys , best wishes fo all of u

    46. wardah says:

      plz i need BISE result st now…..

    47. wardah says:

      my favourite teacher sir tariq is leaving the school,i don”t want that he knows about my rezlt bt also me want that the rezult comes as soon as posible. so plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz show it very fast.

    48. Saqib khan says:

      Allah pak ham sub student ko 80% se pas kare kaho AMEEN YA SUM AMEEN

    49. Saqib khan says:

      Ay RAB ap hamy kamyab karna zindagi ki har mor par Ya ALLAH ham ap he ke banday hn ham par apni magfarat karna AMEEN

    50. malik rizwan says:

      ye risult ku nai show ho rha plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz open risult

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