As it’s common that when one does a new thing it looks more exciting, this is more suitable for primary classes. Because they are new at this level that why they are more anxious to check their performance. Online Bisegrw 5th Class Result 2025 pec Online download Gujranwala, Sialkot, Gujarat, Narowal Board. So this is a good news for those candidates who are waiting to know about their success in the 5th class examination. Every year lot number of students of government and private schools appeared in these exams. Through this students have the opportunity to examine their learning skill and leave out the horrible effect of Board examination. In rural areas, some people spread the misconception of Board exams that it is very difficult and out of course. But with the passage of time Punjab Examination Commission proved this thing wrong and now PEC carries on the 5th and 8th class examination every year. But till there is need to introduce some new stuff that makes it more advanced.
Unfortunately, this important educational sector is being ignored in Pakistan. Due to which the quality and standard of primary education are very low. In Pakistan, it is seen the teachers of these classes are not trained enough as they should be.
In addition, teachers are not interested in the development of the child and most of them are not loyal to this profession as for them this is the very hectic task to give full attention to every student. Furthermore, now educators, as well as the subject-oriented system, enable children to drive away from learning and exploring process rather than attracting them towards it.
Probably Date: 31 March
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The body of PEC is the basic organizing of Bise Gujranwala Board to organize the primary and middle exams in all those districts which are affiliated with this board. The main purpose of this body is to introduce the international stander education and give good facilities of education of their students. For this now prize distribution ceremony for the position older and also gives a scholarship to their students also held through which candidates are appreciated.
Bisegrw that cover major districts includes Gujranwala, Sialkot, Gujarat, Narowal Board is declared the result of 5th class on date 31 March 2025. So just enjoy these days instead of being too much worried, because a good news it that all appearing candidates must be promoted in next class.
plz tell me the result of my nephew