Do you want to check NTS Interview Candidates List, Dates Counter, and anti-Terrorism Department Punjab Jobs Corporals 2025? Then this is best place where whole details about of Counter Terrorism Department jobs that are final under platform of (Government of the Punjab) are available. There are two ways to see that a candidate will select for final interview that are of Candidate Roll Number or NIC number. If one has only thing among both of these information then he will easily check their name among this candidate list. So now time is not too much far when selected candidates make them ready for final task that is in form of interview. This candidate’s list that will prepare is available online and in this list for every candidate different date will give for candidates. So one must check their name among this list and if they take part in it then prepare for interview day.
NTS Interview Candidates List, Counter Terrorism Department Jobs
As name shows that Counter Terrorism Department will quick response force that will prepare for quick actions. Because now law and order in Pakistan is not good so it will need for every province that they manage such type of quick force. During selection process physical test is too much important. Every candidate must physically and mentally strong for selection of any candidate. Hopefully this force plays an important role to stable law and order. Further time decides the final results but its time of excitement for all those that get chance for interview and then for selection.