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NFC Multan Fee Structure 2025 per Semester

Posted by hasnain sial
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    After a wait, the NFC Multan fee structure 2025 is expected for per semester. This is for various disciplines of engineering and non engineering groups in NFC University. Moreover, following the criteria, entry test for these programs was hold, while result was probably on board after one or two days. As, there is gap of only couple of days between test and then announcement of result. So it’s a difficult task for management that they handle huge number of applying students in this short period of time. Every year they fulfill this task in best way and announce their result at specific date and time.

    NFC Multan Fee Structure 2025:

    Like of last one, NFC Multan fee structure 2025 is suppose to be changed. So, these stats shows that charges may vary bit early or later. But, the way they purse the higher degree education help everyone in profession.

    Program At time of Admission Approx. fee(include first 3 months Tuition Fee too) Only Per Semester Tuition Fee (For 6 Months) Approx.
    Engineering 64,000 Rupees 71,000
    BS(CS) 52,000 Rupees 46,000
    BBA and BS(Bio Medical) 49,000 Rupees 34,800
    BS Math, Fashion Design 45,500 Rupees 25,000
    BS Chemistry Or Physics 41,000 Rupees 26,200

    This educational institute is working under platform of National Fertilizer Corporation that serves in Chemical field from a period of time. Although they start initiative from a small training center but with the passage of time they progress rate is quite high.

    NFC Multan Self Finance Fee Structure 2025:

    In almost every of field, NFC Multan self finance fee structure is for those who are missed from list but afford to pay some extra amount. Their approximate detail is:

    Programs Additional Self Finance Fee
    Civil or else Mechanical Engg 500,000 Rupees
    Electrical and Chemical Engg, BBA 100,000 Rupees
    Computer Science 200,000 Rupees
    Civil Technologies 75,000 Rupees
    Chemical Technology 50,000 Rupees

    As NFC Multan progress they offer more programs according to their capacity. They never compromise on anything so due to this they always they take initiative after fulfilling the whole requirements. If ones see few new programs that offer this year are of engineering field while in other field they announce BBA and bachelor in Architecture too.

    present from it

    This is their initiative and students shows great interest in every of programs. And, NFC Multan fee structure 2025 is also much acceptable for any student. Only needed demand here is to continuously maintain their criteria that they set for each student to make them good professional.

    About the Author
    hasnain sial

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    1. Zaheer mohy ud din says:

      11oo agregate pa kia chances hn.

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