A huge combine result announce at same time PEC Result 2025 Online by Enter Roll no of 8th, 5th class is announced and now one can get their marks by entering their roll number in given space. This is first time when 5th can 8th class result will announce online. Before this these both results are announce in pdf form and by downloading this file one can search their name among this result. Through this candidates face many difficulties because it’s not easy to search name among this list. Although work had done from a period of time so this time they take step and announce it online. It’s not an easy task to handle it online because number of students in this exam is greater than else any other annul examination. All students that wants to get their PEC 8th, 5th Class result online just visit this page and click on their belonging district. Result will update according to districts wise as soon as officially it will announce.
Both of them are biggest results so far, so huge number of strength will wait for these moments.
Soon it will declare, for all appearing candidates. So hopefully they will get it in favor.
PEC 8th, 5th Class Result 2025 will announce on 31 March 2025. Exact timing for the announcement of result is not announce but most expected it will announce at 10: am. So all students tight their seats belts because now more time is left before its announcement. Another important thing is that both of these are first annual exams so for future they had lot of lessons. Congratulation for all those that score good marks and those that had failed to score excellent marks must work hard and perform well in next classes.
Those that till not get marks must visit this page and get PEC Result 2025 Online by Enter Roll no of 8th, 5th Class. All the best for the candidates that are waiting for result that it must be good for their upcoming studies. Hope fully one will get a better news.