According to official Time Zone of Pakistan(PST) you can know What is the time in Pakistan now.This writing belongs to those who want to get exact time of Pakistan. The same Time Zone is active in all cities like Lahore,Karachi,Islamabad. Since 1 January 1906 PST was same as IST(Indian Standard Time) but just after Independence of Pakistan in 1947 From Midnight of 30 April and 1 May, 1954 Pakistan Standard Time become effective. Now this is an current Pakistan Time since 1954. It is 5 hours ahead of GMT/UTC (UTC+05:00) as shows through below given exact Time of Pakistan.
What is the time in Pakistan now
Pakistan Standard Time
Time Zone = GMT+5
Pakistan Time Zone
Pakistan Standard Time is 5 hours ahead GMT.
Pakistan Standard Time remains same whole the year in both winter and summer Season.