
CSS 2025 New Syllabus Subjects Age Limit

Posted by hasnain sial
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    A detailed info about new CSS 2025 Syllabus in which Subjects marks distribution Age Limit a complete after which their is not any necessary thing is missing.  The Exams of Central Superior Services (CSS) are conducted every year by FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission). After recruitment the candidates are allocated in different civil services of Pakistan. A number of candidates appear in these exams around the country. Each Province has its defined proportion and candidates from every province get recruited accordingly. Following are the civil services for which candidates are recruited.


    A candidate is examined in these exams by diversified ways. Firstly, a written exam containing different subjects is put before him\her. If first round gets qualified by the candidate then his\her personality is assessed. Finally, the aspirant is allocated as per of overall position. Course for written examination can be categorized in two portions. First portion covers compulsory subjects and the second has electives. Total scores of both compulsory and elective subjects are 1200.List and detail of compulsory and elective subjects is given below

     Compulsory subjects

    There are six compulsory subjects with the help of those the basic knowledge of a candidate is inspected. Each compulsory subject has 100 marks, so all, as a whole make an aggregate of 600 marks.

    • English Essay: Total marks(100)

                                                   The sole purpose of this paper is to gauge the organization and compactness of a mind. This paper contains about 10 to 12 topics of variegated kinds. Candidate is asked to argue on any of the topic with logics. Words limit for any of the topic is maintained about 2000 to 3000.Here are some rules to deal with essay.

     Tackling Essay

    Commonly this paper is considered the toughest. Collecting information, organizing it and finally put all the information on the piece of paper considering the rules of grammar are the major reasons behind its toughness. But if this paper gets tackled following some demarcated rules, it seems easier than others. Writing again and again is the only hard and fast rule to get command on essay writing. Just chose the topic randomly and dare to write on this. Slowly but gradually writing exercise will burnish your essay. So to handle this paper skillfully, one will have to write repeatedly. Below are some rules that can help someone in organizing information for essay writing

     Art Of Selecting And Organizing Information

    • Chose the topic wisely. To have enough knowledge about the chosen topic is the first thing to be considered. Hence, one should click the topic about which he\she has abundant data. One should not get worried if he\she does not have rich data on any of the essay topic because in an essay the overview of a problem is presented rather detailed description.
    • The next step is to organize the information that one has inside the mind. Focus deeply and try to organize information for piece of paper.
    • The third step is to put the organized information on the piece of paper narrating most important to least important. For this step one can use a rough paper or can do the same inside the mind
    • It is the step at which your actual essay gets started. Narrate the information in an outlined form and move towards rest of your essay.

    English Grammar & composition

    The major aim of this paper is to find out the grip on language of a mind. Precise writing, comprehension and grammar and vocabulary constitute the bigger part of this paper whereas translation, sentence correction and grouping of words establish the small part. As English is dealt compulsory subject throughout our academic years so this paper is not too much difficult. All is needed in dealing with this paper is to utilize past academic English knowledge. Additionally one should solve the past English papers to clutch it fully. Availing the services of an expert English teacher can help you in identifying your mistakes. So solve the past papers and get them checked by an expert English teacher. Below is the score division

    1. Precis Writing                     (20 marks)
    2. Comprehension (20 marks)
    • Grammar and Vocabulary (20 marks)
    1. Sentence Correction           (20 marks)
    2. Grouping of Words             (10 marks)
    3. Pair of words               (10 marks)
    • Translation                   (10 marks)


    General Science & Ability

     Via this paper the acute observation of a candidate is gauged. This paper has been classified in two portions. In the first portion question relating to general sciences are asked and in the second portion ability of a brain is judged through problems based on logics and analysis. Scores and course classification is given below

     Part 1: General Science (60 marks)

    • Physical Sciences
    • Biological Sciences
    • Environmental Sciences
    • Food Sciences
    • Information Technology

    Part 2: Ability (40 marks)

    • Quantitative Ability/ Reasoning
    • Logical Reasoning & Analytical Reasoning
    • Mental Abilities

    Current Affairs (100 marks)

    This paper is designed to extract the actual approach of a candidate on general knowledge of history, politics and international affairs. Newspaper reading and books relating to history and politics may help someone in tackling this paper. Here is the score division

    • Pakistan Domestic Affairs (20 marks)
    • Pakistan External Affairs   (40 marks)
    • Global Issues (40 marks)

    Islamiyat (100 marks)

    After Essay this paper is commonly thought tough. Beyond the traditional questions like as Namaz, Roza and Zakat in this paper implementation of Islamic codes is asked. This is the only reason in making this paper slight difficult. To figure out puzzle of this paper one needs to study Islamic knowledge deeply and widely.

     Pakistan Affairs (100 marks)

    Questions containing both the past history and present affairs of Pakistan are probed in this paper. Hence to make tight grip on this paper one needs to study intensely the past and current affairs of Pakistan.

     Comparative Study Of Major Religions (For Non Muslim):

    It is the alternative paper in lieu of Islamic studies. This subject is formulated for the non Muslim candidates.

     Elective/optional Subjects: (marks 600)

    Apart from compulsory subjects a candidate is allowed to opt six subjects as per of his will. Grouping of all the optional subjects is enlisted below. Only one subject from each group can be opted. Each subject of top two groups has 200 scores whereas rest of other groups has 100 only.

    Age Limit:

    A candidate for admission to the examination must have achieved the age of 21 and must not have achieved the age of 28 on 1st January 2025

    Age Relaxation:

    Age relaxation of 2 years upto the 30 years will be awarded in the subsequent cases :

    • The candidate Has served in government service for the period of at least two years
    • The candidate belongs to Scheduled Castes
    • The Candidate Belongs to Recognized Tribes

    (1)For government servant:

     (2)For scheduled Castes:

    (3) For recognized tribes:

    Note: The applying candidates of Azad Kashmir and Northern areas are need to follow process according to their jurisdiction authorities. This is all about CSS 2025 Syllabus Subjects Age Limit after which maximum detail is cover. One not need to visit any where else after  reading out and getting info from this place.

    About the Author
    hasnain sial

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