This year the Peshawar board is going to manage the 9th 10th exams in the month of April or May. Because the exams are on the head, so the students are looking for guess papers that can be helpful for their annual term. So now we are going to give you Peshawar board 9th 10th class chemistry and general science guess paper 2025. These both of them are the toughest subjects for the students that is why they are finding out a way to prepare them perfectly. Every year a number of students get comparts from these two subjects both science and arts group students. Those students who belong to science group are now looking for the guess paper chemistry 9th 10th class 2025 Peshawar board and the arts group for general science.
These papers are having a lot of essential topics that can be there for your annual exams that is why guess papers are a very successful way to prepare the annual examination. Further, these are the final moment before the commencement of these exams, so try to use every type of trick to score maximum marks.
The whole paper will be having the objective and Subjective part, In the objective, you will be given MCQs and short questions while in Subjective you have to attempt long/brief questions.
Guess Papers: Probably will Upload soon
Peshawar Board 9th 10th Class Guess Paper 2025 Chemistry General Science
Still, dates for Chemistry and general science guess paper of 9th 10th class 2025 Peshawar board has not been announced by the board but soon it will be publicized here for you. There are teachers who have been teaching these subjects for many past years. So there they are using their expertise which supports the students to make good marks. For sure, now you have no need to learn lengthy questions now.
If you want to prepare these subjects in the more best way you should use past papers, that will give you the whole pattern that would be helpful on the final day. So must review them because it will fruitful from multiple aspects.