Every format of Pakistan army have a lot of scarifies for this country. Among these formats Pakistan navy also have a lot of scarifies for this country .Jobs in Pakistan navy has been announced, you join as PN cadet term 2025-A.These jobs give a lot of opportunity for Pakistani students to serve for this country in a right way. Along with the serving of country this job also fulfills your life responsibilities a reason able salary given to the officers and also many other facilities will also provide the officers. Join Pakistan Navy as Permanent Commissioned Officer.
Jobs Pakistan navy join as PN cadet term 2025-A
Jobs Pakistan navy join as PN cadet term 2025-A is given there.
For apply this job its compulsory to become a unmarried citizen of Pakistan. The second most important thing is your age limit which is from 16 year to 21 years .Minimum height becomes 5 feet 4 inches.
Candidates compulsory complete their intermediate in following combinations1: (Math, Physics, chemistry)2:( Math, Physics, computer Science)3:( Math, Physics, statics). And it’s necessary to secure at least 60 perc marks .Candidates must register them from 22 Oct till 11 November 2025.
Selection Procedure:
Selection test will be hold on 22 November 2025.The intelligence test will be take in 30 minutes .Academic test will be took in 80 minutes. Result will be declared on 25 November 2025.
Note: Candidates advised that they clean their ear ant teeth before the medical test.
After selection candidates serve for country as well as they have bright future in this job .After complete their two years training degree given to these candidates .They also got free medical facilities and residential apartments. Allowances also available for these officers.
Wats the pay
if someone completed his matric and fsc in biology, physics and chemistry. Can he join pak navi as a cadet.?
When will be the next selection of pak navy on commission level. plz someone inform me, thanks
i have done 1st yr fsc (pre_medical) with 79%..now i m doing 2nd yr….can i join navy as PN cadets?i m female and my height is 5 feet (155 cm)…am i eligible for it???