Are you aware from the social issues of Pakistan? Our social issues are leading us to the destruction stages because there has been no such social issue of Pakistan that has been overcome with solution or it has been solved. Our politicians are just focusing upon filling their bank accounts that is not the solution for social issues. We have to take the precautionary measures but no one is carrying out the methods for giving away the solutions. In this article we are mentioning the details of some of the main social issues of Pakistan.
Social Issues Of Pakistan
No one can ever deny the fact that the rich is getting rich and poor is still getting poorer with the time. The existing percentage of poverty in Pakistan has been arrived to be 60% that is normally destroying the Pakistan at huge scale. One of the main reasons behind this poverty has been the unemployment that is leading towards the stages the poverty and hence the individuals are leading themselves closer to their own destructions of future.
Illiteracy has been highlighted as one of the major reasons that are slowly getting increased with the passage of time. There are approximate 60% of the children that are not attending the schools. The city schools are granted with the higher education that makes them closer to the universal educational system but this system has not been highlighted for the rural students because of the lack and negligence attitude of the government. In addition, the women are also forced to get them prisoned within the four walls and they are not allowed to go to schools.
As we all aware from the truth that Pakistan has been getting closer to the energy crisis with every single day. The water level in our dams has been extreme low and as a result they are not been able to generate electricity. In addition, we have never bothered to think about establishing the thermal power because it is quite expensive for the countries just like ours. This form of energy crisis is enforcing the people to slow down their electricity meters and entitle them with the label of being the electricity thief.
Furthermore, we will talk about the birth of corruption. When Quaid e Azam put foundation of this country then there was no such name of corruption in this nation but now it seems like this nation is imperfect without the corruption. Not just in educational fields but right from the beginning of small clerk job to the bigger officer every single person gets ruled over their seats just through the reference. The percentage and peak height of corruption has so much increased with time that now it seems like complicated to control it.
In addition, one of the greatest social issues of Pakistan has been the international helping hand. Whatever we are doing in Pakistan, all the customs and rules that are running even our government is all through the international commands. We have accepted this truth that this nation is nothing without the international help and this is the main reason that we are always bowing down our hands for donations and funds. If we try our level best then we can probably become one of the successful countries in this whole world but we are sure that we will never carry out such steps because we are afraid that the international countries will leave our hands.
As compare to last years this year the population of Pakistan has been increased by 10%. If the population gets increased then as a result it will also leave its negative foot prints on the pollution as well. This has been just made possible because the people of rural areas are not granted with the proper education regarding the family planning and this surely leads us to the dangerous stages of over-population.
Every year millions and even billions of money are specified in the budget for controlling the terrorism but no one knows that where all such money went. With the passage of time the level of terrorism is getting so horrible that such time is not far away when this country will just come to an end because of the terrorism. Every single person is afraid that they will never return back to home once they went out because every single hook and corner of this country has been terribly affected with the terrorism.
Last but not the least problem has been all related with the health problems that are increasingly getting bigger and bigger because of the environmental issues. When as a responsible government we are filed to over come the pollution then it is quite obvious that the health issues will also be counted in bigger scale.