Baldiyati Election 2025 Schedule in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan had announced. According to schedule of election commission of Pakistan ECP, polling of Baldiyati Election in Punjab and Balochistan will held on 7 December 2025, in Sindh it will held on 27 November 2025. On the other side Federal government announced that they have not enough resources to held these elections on that date. They appeal to extend this time frame because for publication of ballet papers minimum two months are require. But still ECP announced that government is responsible for polling according to given schedule. Before a day before an official of Federal government that if ECP must want to hold this Baldiyati election according to this schedule then ECP handover the whole things and give order for ballet papers to any publications. Now time decides that ECP must follow this schedule or make any changes in it.
Date for Polling in Punjab:30 January 2025
Date for Polling in Sindh: Exact Date Till not Announced
Date for Polling in Balochistan: 7 December 2025
Baldiyati Election 2025 Schedule in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan
This Baldiyati Election 2025 will see to be most expensive one in Pakistan history. DG ECP also announced that federal government also make sure that on polling day only magnetic ink will use. According to cost wise this ink creates a huge difference in final price when it compare with the ink that will use in previous elections. These whole things are doing to minimize the corruption (Dhandli). If one sees the importance of Baldiyati Election then their basic purpose to transfer things at lower level. A ordinary person get chance to present their problems in front of those that are easily approachable. This system is really effective to highlights the issues of an ordinary community. Previous government is failed to organize the Baldiyati Election so this year supreme court force that ECP must held these elections in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan for which schedule is announced.