pakistan Info

Unemployment Rate in Pakistan 2025

Posted by hasnain sial
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    Unemployment is one of the major problem of Pakistan. The qualified people who have the ability and skills to do work and are eagerly willing to find some job are unfortunately jobless. The rate of unemployment can be defined as the number of people searching for job divided by the labor force needed. In the current scenario, more than 30 lakh people are unemployed so the rate of unemployment is very high in Pakistan.

    The rapid increase in population is one of the main causes of unemployment. The resources are limited. There are comparatively very less facilities and opportunities needed for the well being of such huge population of our country. While the new jobs are not generated, the job seekers are increasing in number with every passing day. Secondly agriculture is the sector for maximum job provision in the country. but it is facing severe challenges of water shortage and technological backwardness. Approximately 62 % is living in rural areas and their livlihood, somehow depends on agriculture. Unfortunately the sector is unable to provide employment according to our needs. Thirdly, industry is considered to be the paradise of employment for educated and skillful people. Pakistan’s industry is short listing its labor instead of adding to its labor force because of the intense energy shortfall. Without energy, an industry is useless and its shortfall has caused a severe damage to productive capacity. The industries are being closed for days because there is no energy supply and they are unable to meet the expenses.

    Unemployment  in Pakistan

    The effects of unemployment are social and are directly or indirectly becoming the cause of decline of every sector of society. People frustrated with their joblessness indulge themselves in various unlawful activities that is why; the crime rate is increasing day by day. Financial problems have given way to impatience and disharmony among masses. The overwhelming economic pressures lead to various psychological ailments in the head of household. It has increased the rate of suicide which is utter disappointment.

    The problem of unemployment is becoming more and more acute. Its rate is increasing day by day. It can only be solved with the generation of new jobs in all sectors and by encouraging the talented and skillful people.

    About the Author
    hasnain sial

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