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PM Laptop Scheme 2025 Registration Form Apply Online Merit List

Posted by hasnain sial
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    Currently, most of the students expect that PM laptop scheme 2025 Registration will start in upcoming months. Hopefully, the procedure to apply online form will remain the same for this program. Maybe, the new government will change the process to form  PM Laptop Scheme 2025 merit list. Furthermore, the forthcoming few days will decide the future of this program. Over all Laptop is a basic need of every student. The world is now become much connected with one an other. If we see few decades back we come to know that the life of those people who lived in that era was so different as compared to us. At that time there was no concept of computers. Or one can says that there are rare laptop that are not in approach of every person. So things are not easy as now in current circumstances.

    After the invention of the computer, the life of people has become change now. If someone has no laptop or computer he thinks that he is living in another world. The computer itself is a big invention of this century. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of the computer. But the benefits are more as compared to the drawback.

    PM Laptop Scheme 2025 Registration:

    • Yet not Start by the new government.

    As I said above that computer is the basic need of every person whether he is a student, he is a doctor, he is an engineer or he is a businessman. A computer has an important role in every person’s life.

    PM Laptop Scheme 2025 Merit List:

    Yet new announcement of this scheme has not published.

    Students have also want laptops and computers for their studies. They want to search knowledge regarding their study through the internet. They want to do research through the net. This scheme is also for the people of AJK and Gilgit Baltistan.

    Note: Yet this scheme is under consideration.


    The procedure of this scheme is given below:

    Eligibility Criteria:

    This scheme is both for female and males students who are studying in those universities which are affiliated from higher education commission. This scheme is for post graduated students and also for the undergraduate students. Candidates who took 60 percent marks in running semester are eligible for this laptop scheme. but preferred students are those who got good grades.

    It’s necessary that during registration all academic record has been verified from the related institute. Further one can get info from this platform where one complete http://pmnls.hec.gov.pk/ the process to apply. This time in 2025 probably PM will allocate a handsome amount of money for this laptop scheme. To complete your online registration and complete form with keen intentions. Because a right way to apply will accept.

    About the Author
    hasnain sial

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    1. asif says:


    2. iqrakhan says:

      sir I’m student of B.com I need laptop please give me laptop I’m a poor girl I belong a poor family my family not afford my money for laptop my good marks in matric and inter plz I request you I hope sir you give me laptop please

    3. Gul Hussain says:

      Sir me ne BSC ki he kia muje laptop mele ga

    4. neelam naz says:

      Please sir I want laptop I want to do Dit my father is no more and m alone and do job my percentage in matric 92 hai aur fsc Mn 60 percent hai plz mjhe laptop dy dn

    5. neelam naz says:

      Plzzzz I need badly 4 laptop

    6. hot_boy says:

      It not in our hands apply for this scheme

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