As per news, the Budget 2025-23 prices of imported mobiles tablets to go up this time! For the information, sales tax on Mobile Phone imports will be doubled in budget. It has been seen in the proposed budget that the sales tax payable on all kinds and types of imported mobile phones will be right away increasing from 150, 250 and 500 rupees to about 300, 500 and 1,000 Rupees and it is almost confirmed now. Experts has of this view that if people can buy these mobile sets and tablets at these prices then they can also buy these sets at the increased prices too.
What Will Be The Impact Of This Double Sales Tax:
Again to mention that the regulatory duty on the importing of all the mobile phones will be revised and it will be doubled from previous amount. Due to increase in Sales tax, there might be a chance that people will reduce their buying of mobiles and tablets.
If this taxation will have a massive effect on the consumer base then people will be buying less phones and ultimately the growth of this sector will be down at a massive level.
What Should The Government Do?
It is the duty of the government that they should be opting the stable pricing and taxation policy. They should also keep in confidence all the stake holders and also the share holders of this tablet and mobile making industry so that they may not drastically affected by this double taxation.
It is now confirmed that budget 2025-23 prices of imported mobiles tablets to increase or go up for sure this time. Now, let us all see that whether the Pakistani people will stop buying these tablets and phones or will they continue be buying these smart phones and tablets. If any more further increase will be seen in the taxation policy of these mobile tablets then we will keep you updated. It is due to doubled Sales tax, that it might reduce the growth of mobile sector and tablet making industry. More details will sooner be given to you.