Mobilink is one of the most popular telecommunication service which provides a best quality of network facilities. Mostly people like to take this Mobilink telecommunication service because they offers various types of package and very low calling rate for another networks. Here we share with you the information about the latest Mobilink Jazz One package, Activation Detail, Charges that also known as Har Phone Har Tone. Mobilink jazz is one of the leading telecommunication service all over the world and their signal quality is supper up .The head office of this company is situated in Islamabad and this company start their work in the field of telecommunication in 1994.They doing an addition to this cellular service and recently they started to offering DSL link network for the best use if their customers and in the addition of this network this company has also offer its wireless service through WiMax based technology , recognized by the ‘Mobilink Infinity.
Mobilink Jazz One Package, Activation Detail, Charges
Now recently this company offers the new package and here we give you all details about the package and charges.
Call Details and Charges:
- One can call any Mobilink number in RS.0.70 and will be charged for 30 seconds for any time 24 hours.
- One can call any three favorite mobilink numbers to Mobilink, RS.1.50 and charged for this service for 3 minutes at any time 24 hours
- If you call any other network from Mobilink, RS.0.99 and will be charged 30 seconds for any time 24 hours.
- If someone call from Mobilink to ant PTCL number RS.0.99and charged for 30 seconds for any time all day and night.
SMS Charges:
- SMS charges from Mobilink to Mobilink RS.1.2 per sms
- SMS charges from Mobilink to any other net work RS.1.5 sms
- SMS charges from mobilink to Landline RS.1.5 sms
Terms and conditions for this subscription of jazz one package:
- If someone activates 3 favorite Mobil ink numbers and it will be charged RS.10+tax
- For replacing the 3 favorite Mobilink numbers will be charged RS.10+tax
- If some one want to migrate to any other package trough IVR and it will be charged RS.15+TAX
- For each non discounted call will be charged Rs.0.10 as call setup fee.
- Take RS.2+Tax charges when you call on the helpline of Mobilink.
- For international calls will be charged RS.0.10+tax
- On every recharge it will be charged 5% service charges as well as 2% operational fee.
- Applied 19.5% FED on usage as well as 10% withholding tax at each recharge
This company facilitates the common persons all over the Pakistan through their very low price packages. People enjoy to use this service and this company offer late night free packages. Mobilink jazz is the popular symbol of one network, one nation and one rate and many more. When you use these packages one could be surprised and in this time period this service is best for all costumers. Jazz prove their self that this is best network system in Pakistan.
Activation Detail:
One can easily subscribe Mobilink Jazz One offer by dialing *302# from your phone. So must activate it and take benefit from this offer.