Sir Syed Ahmed Khan a great leader, thinker, educationist, scholar, revolutionist philosopher, intellectual and one of the architects of India was born on October 17, 1817 in Delhi. He was born into Muslim nobility. While serving as a jurist in East India Company, he earned the repetition of a renowned scholar. In 1842 the Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar awarded Sir Syed with the title of Javad-ud-Daulah. During the rebellion of 1857,he remained loyal to the British and saved the lives of many English men. But after ward , he wrote a booklet Asbab-e-Baghawat ettind(The Causes of Indian Meeting) in which he stated the flaws of British policies that was a major cause of revolt. It was best critique of that turbulent times. As a keen observer, Sir Syed fore sighted the future of Muslims which was threatened due to their rigid and orthodox thinking.
For the betterment and the revival of Muslim; he began an educational movement which is known as Aligarh Movement. He began to promote Western style scientific education so that it would gradually enhance the mental and physical skills of Muslims. As a result they would think properly for their advancement and better survival. He founded modern schools in various areas of India. In order to achieve his goals, Sir Syed founded the Muhammedan Anglo, Oriental College which is now known as Aligarh Muslim University. Keeping in view the plight of Muslims of sub continent. Sir Syed rendered a lot of educational services to help them to stand up. For their rights and improve their situation. Some of the note worthy educational services render by this legendary scholar and revolutionist are stated below;
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Educational Services:
- In 1863, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established a scientific society. Its main purpose was to translate the English literature into Urdu language as language was the major barrier in front of Muslims to gain modern western knowledge. Thus this initiative proved to be very fruitful after wards.
- During his stay at Aligarh, he issued “Aligarh Institute Gazette” (a weekly gazette)
- In 1869, Sir Syed wrote Khutbat-e-Ahmedya a strong and logical reply to Sir William Mir’s book “Life of Muhammad”
- In 1870 , he issued his well known magazine “tehzib-ul-Ikhlaq” in order to teach Muslims moral and ethical values and to point out their short comings and social evils.
- Sir Syed also wrote a community on Holy Quran in which he interpreted Islam on the basis of science and logic.
- MAO College established by Sir Syed was a residential institute and it played an important part in impacting modern education to Muslims. Many of the renowned Western Scholars taught in this college. This is the college that was upgraded into a university.
- In 1886, Sir Syed founded the Muhammadan Eucational Conference. This Conference held its meeting in different areas to discuss and find solution for the educational problems faced by Muslims of India.