Finally polling come for the selection of whole body from all provinces of Pakistan. As polling is complete PEC Pakistan Engineering Council Election Results 2015 are come to announce. This body is announcing for the time period of three years, although this body is select every after three years. But before this there is not too much awareness of this election, that’s why minimum number of engineers goes to polling stations. This time as huge number of engineers are come in market from previous three years.
They face number of problems in field, and it this situation they must need a platform that plays role to solve their problem. This thing gains importance of PEC because this is only platform for engineers where they discuss problems.
Numbers of engineers are satisfied from their previous governor body while number of them are disappoint. But this thing creates a lot of awareness about the selection of this body. If right candidates are select then they must plays positive role in future of engineers.
- This time majority of engineers are well aware from this election, after which contested candidates also work hard to meet with them and ensured that they are best to resolve their problems.
A big campaign is launch by every of candidates through sms and calls. One can make idea of this competition from the rejection of first polling date that is announce before this one. Now this time Nadra had done a good job and all things are carrying on in best way.
A big turnout is expected after such campaign and awareness, while after polling now it’s time for the announcement of PEC Pakistan Engineering Council Election Results 2015. This time hopefully elected body do best for the benefits of engineers because they must plays a role in progress of country if they do get chance of designing. Because originally work of engineer is designing that is not to do in Pakistan.