We live in a world which is constantly changing with respect to technologies. World is now turn into a global village where no have much time, everyone need speed and time to contact and to attach with each other. Pakistan is the country not at back in this race. Pakistan is the world fastest and stronger growing sector in telecom industries form past six or seven years. Many operators introduce their services in this sector and getting a respectable business over here. Telecom is the industry being giving a strong economy to the country and the people of telecom are well able to make it more grooms in near future. When we talk about the boom in telecom than it will starts at the ends of 2005 where a lot of changes and development made by government and telecom operators. Now-a-days telecom is the field in Pakistan is saturated at an instance but the government and telecom sectors are trying their level best to raise the moral again.
- Future of telecom industry in Pakistan is somehow bright, if we consider the 3G technology to be launching in Pakistan in near future. Telecom sector was waiting from so long for this, but our government makes some hurdles due to several issues, but now they are ready to give in licence as soon as possible. Telecom operators trying to get the licence but telenor are the main and strong candidate to have this chance.
- This is the era of smart phones and Pakistani youth have a lead to have new changes. So it is to be much hope that as soon as 3G introduced in Pakistan and smart cell have a concept to catch this service than many of the people will avail this opportunity. With high level of users, there is a huge competition and all the companies try to gain as much market share as they can. However, cellular companies do have to bear the restrictions and policy changes that the government imposes on the usage of these services.
PTA banned the sim for retailers that also give a loss to telecom industry. Moreover close cell services due to the critical circumstances of the country give a strong loss to operators. If these drawbacks remove than the sun shines brightly for cellular companies in Pakistan in the near future.