National assembly NA 1 is the constituency of Peshawar so NA 1 Peshawar results 2025 are most important. In elections 2025, a total of 18 candidates are contesting election on that seat. But the major competition will be seen between PTI chairman Imran Khan, Anp’s senior member and former Railway minister Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour and Shabbier Ahmed Khan of Jamt Islami. NA 1 is an urban constituency. It is strongly in favor of PTI. KPK people are known for their mind set of change. They felt no hesitation in giving votes to a new person. Moreover Jamat Islami and PTI both have a strong vote bank their and Blour will also give them a big fight. Another most important thing is that a lot of terrorist threats are given to ANP. And its best example is that in previous days their main leader will killed in an attack. There are two aspects of this thing, positive impact is that through this they show their innocence and attract peoples toward them. While its bad impact is that after this peoples are frighten to vote for ANP. But over all this is one close and important competition of this province.
Imran Khan vs Ghulam Ahmad Bilour,NA 1 Peshawar results 2025
Imran Khan vs Ghulam Ahmad Bilour,NA 1 Peshawar results 2025 are given there..
In previous elections this is one native seat of ANP. They are always in for main competition from this constituency. During 2008 election they win this seat with huge margin. From this constituency their main competitors are MMA but during this election they are on boycott. So they easily win this seat. Before this during 2002 elections MMA win it. But this year situation will completely change, PTI appear as strong power and they show their strength in this election. From this constituency another important name is Shabbir Ahmad from JI. He also has lot of influence from this constituency. While PMLN announce Afzal Khan as their ticket holder but his situation is weak. MQM also announce his candidates from KPK so from here they give ticket to Bashir ahmad.
From NA 1 main competition will held between Imran Khan PTI Vs Ghulam Ahmad Bilour ANP. According to our prediction Ghulam Ahmad Bilour from ANP is favorite from this constituency.
Yes, InshAllah, Ghulum Ahmed Bilour will win, He will get their personality vote also