Another important constituency of Lahore is NA-119. From here you can find NA-119 Lahore results from where Hamza Shahbaz (PMLN) vs Muhammad Madni PTI will contest in this election 2025. In past this constituency is called one native of PMLN. The area under this constituency will consist of interior Lahore. And from a period of time PMLN is very strong in this area of Lahore. They had done a lot of work a lot of work in these areas. The most important thing is that politic nature of this area is different from other constituencies. PMLN handle it really well and they get this seat, this year again one strong candidate of PMLN, son of XPM Punjab Hamza Shahbaz try to win it. On other side this year PTI also try to show their strength in this area. They give ticket to one new face known as Muhammad Madni. On this seat few conflicts arise in PTI on ticket distribution but at end committee finalize the name of Muhammad Madni. He is one party worker of PTI and belongs to this constituency. So for him it’s a big tack to give tough time to PMLN candidate.
NA-119 Lahore results Hamza Shahbaz (PMLN) vs Muhammad Madni PTI
NA-119 Lahore results Hamza Shahbaz (PMLN) vs Muhammad Madni PTI is given there..
If one sees the previous election results then Hamza Shahbaz win this seat. You can see the popularity of PMLN from this point that no one can contest in previous election against PMLN candidate. So to beta PMLN candidate from this constituency is very difficult. In this election PPP also announce his candidate in form of Malik Sohail. While from JI Hafiz Muhammad Zubair will contest in this election 2025. They also good names of this constituency so time decide about the final result but over all a good competition will accept.
If one sees the nature of this constituency then PMLN candidate is favorite. But over all this year it will not one sided competition. Your vote decide the final result so cast your vote and prove it strength.